Ground Maintenance

The United Kingdom has dozens of well-maintained purpose-built baseball facilities. Hopefully, this hub will help clubs have access to the best knowledge from our community when it comes to maintaining and building the best baseball facilities.

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Game Day Field Preparations: The basic activities to keep your dirt field maintained before and after each game.

Dirt to Grass Edge Care: Maintaining those dirt to grass edges on the diamond.

Mound Repair & Maintenance: The best techniques for maintaining and repairing a used baseball mound.

Lining the Field: A how to on lining and relining thr base paths and the batters boxes.

Repairing Batters Boxes and Mounds: How to repair worn out batter's boxes and mounds.

Renovate a Pitching Mound: How to rebuild your mound ready for the season.

Herts Baseball Club, Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom